
Showing posts from May, 2010

Alpha Asian Time Management

Sometimes people ask me, "How do you find the time to do all the things that you do?" I have a job that's a little more demanding and stressful than the usual 9 to 5. My wife and I have a daughter who's quite a handful at the moment. In my spare time, I run 2 blogs, write for various bodybuilding magazines and author strength training books you can buy on Amazon. And yet I still find time to exercise. Here are some of my guiding principles as far as time management: Kill 2 birds with one stone- When you choose activities or interests to engage in, sometimes you want to choose ones that serve multiple purposes. For example, everybody needs to exercise or be physically active. Now if you're single or just very social, then physical activity is also a great way to meet people. The gym, yoga class, team sports, hiking groups, martial arts, etc. Whatever floats your boat. So even if you don't meet anybody interesting, then at least you got a good workout. ...

Influence over Power. Love over Fear

Machiavelli once wrote, “It is far safer to be feared than loved if you cannot be both.” I disagree. If you have to choose, then it's better to be loved than to be feared. Provided, however, that there is a foundation of respect. If people fear you, then people will do things for you not because they want to, but because they have to. But people do not like living in fear. Fear can easily mutate into resentment, and resentment can easily mutate into anger. If people love and respect you, however, then they will do things for you because they want to. They will look after you and watch your back, whether or not you ask them to, whether or not you are there. People who choose to be feared value power. But power has a very negative connotation, especially when power is applied to people. The connotation is that power means control, and people resent being controlled. It is much better to exert influence over people. Power over people is a combination of fear and respect, but ...

Yellow Brotherhood

YELLOW BROTHERHOOD from Tadashi Nakamura on Vimeo .

If it looks like a duck...

You say "tomayto." I say "tomotto." You say crime of economic opportunity. I say hate crime: "Hate crime" means a criminal act committed, in whole or in part, because of one or more of the following actual or perceived characteristics of the victim: (1) Disability. (2) Gender. (3) Nationality. (4) Race or ethnicity. (5) Religion. (6) Sexual orientation. (7) Association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. People want to obscure the truth with a comfortable, easy euphemism: "economic opportunity." But if it looks like racism, acts like racism and talks like racism, then it probably is racism. It doesn't matter what your motivation is for the racism, whether its economic opportunity or hatred. Here's an interesting comment on the Hyphen blog that puts things in perspective: I love how everyone is approaching this as though it were a conflict with two equally culpabl...

K-Town Reality Show Auditions

  Major props to Tyrese on this project. Although I hope the cast will be more interesting than these kids.

Rally at SF City Hall on May 4th 6-8pm

In response to the recent violent attacks against the Asian American community in the San Francisco Bayview and the city of Oakland, we are organizing a peaceful rally at the steps of SF City Hall on Tuesday, May 4 @ 6pm. This rally is first and foremost an opportunity for the Chinese and Asian American community, particularly immigrants and elders, to speak out about their experiences with violence in their communities and to demand that San Francisco city leadership act immediately to address this crisis. We will demand that city leaders take immediate actions to address the issue of violence against the Asian community. We believe that long-term solutions are needed to address violence in all communities, however in the short-term, immediate actions must be taken. We understand that violence happens in all communities but we, the Chinese/Asian American community, have been silent on this issue for too long and need to make our voices heard and join with other communities of color. ...