I'm New Here and I Just Want to Introduce Myself
My name is Aldryn McAuslen, I'm 18 years old right now. I'm an avid reader on philosophy, psychology, and self-help, I've spent money literally on hundreds of books, audio, and video programs on those subjects since 13. Right now I'm gathering info on critical race theory (Asian Pacific American issues and white priviledge) I've read James' book and really digg the ideas he has. That's what brought me here. I have a blog post idea that's been running through my head and I will post that in the next post-after this one. =] -I think the purpose of the human being is to self-actualize and to express one's self honestly. -I think the purpose of life is to be in a happy state as much as possible Here are my goals right now: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Health/Fitness-->Short Term: Look f****in' hot in a swimsuit -->Long term: Complete the Iron Man Triathon Emtio...