
Showing posts from April, 2012

Asian Trainers

Longtime readers of this blog know that I have a background as a strength and physique trainer. I have an older blog called Strength and Physique , where I discuss all things strength and bodybuilding. I have readers of all ethnicities and backgrounds, but I noticed that a lot of my readers gravitated towards me because I was an Asian male . The very fact that I was an Asian male with a strength training background was novel to them. They needed an Asian male to relate to concerning advice about weightlifting and diet. My previous post Strength Training for the Asian Lifter is still my most popular post on this blog. Since then, a lot of Asian American men have gotten into the "PT on the Web" biz. I was reminded of this when 8 Asians posted some blurb about some accountant who's now going to play for the Miami Dolphins. The accountant's trainer was Chad Ikei. I remember Chad Ikei, because he worked with Charles Poliquin and actually posed for an article that Poli...

Are We Approaching Critical Mass?

Writer Bryan Thao Worra posted an interesting observation on The State of Asian American Blogs : "Back in 2009, the website connected to the excellent documentary Vincent Who? featured a list of over 50 Asian American blogs . It certainly wasn't meant to be comprehensive, but was an interesting snapshot of many of the voices writing regularly in our community. I wanted to see how many are still active and operating... "This year, on the 20th anniversary of Vincent Chin's murder, it's surprising to see who's still standing and posting out of the sample Vincent Who? noted three years ago. "Out of 55 listed, fewer than 30 are still around. I wouldn't call this a 40% attrition rate but it suggests there are some changes happening on the internet and how Asian Americans are developing their voices." Not listed among the dropouts were The Fighting 44's and Sepia Mutiny , both of which closed shop just recently. I didn't keep up...

7 things I've realized from learning to draw

Hey guys, sorry if I'm what I'm writing is really vague but it's kind of hard to think straight after 7 months of averaging about 4 hours of sleep a day. Anyways, here's a short cheesy list that I came up with while relearning the basics with my new art teacher.   1. Everything has its place in the world, relative to other things: No matter how insignificant you feel sometimes, you're a part of this god forsaken planet. You just have to figure out where, and whether or not you'll be happy where you end up. 2. Some things are more important than others. Some things will naturally take up more time, energy and space in the picture that is your life, but just because it takes up so much of your life doesn't necessarily mean that it's something you care much about. If you're not happy with it, try to focus more on that little thing you enjoy and add more detail so that no matter how much space other things take up, you'll especially enjoy that...

Chinese Hi-Five (HQ) short film

Like I said, "Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself."