Starting the New Year Right

Q: "I am a 30 year old Asian-American ectomorph in the Air Force. Unfortunately, running is mandatory 3 times per week, since there is a monthly PT test. I want to build some muscle. Can you recommend a workout program? Should I use the one in your article for Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!" -J. Yu My Answer: I don't know which one of my articles you're talking about, since I have quite a few at that site. Since you mentioned that you're an ectomorph, I'm assuming you mean the 10-8-6-15 article . I have no idea what you're doing as far as training, so the 10-8-6-15 program or any of my other programs would help you build some muscle. You need to be more specific about your background. I will say this though: if you're an ectomorph who has to run 3 times per week, then you should eat a lot of carbs and not worry so much about your fat intake. Endurance athletes perform better on a diet that ...