High Tension Exercises - EBook
Q: I am going to start training using the shotgun method next week. I am looking forward to the change. I have been doing the density/decompression training and in-between throwing in a specialization training routine. My question is about how long should I train with this routine? I didn't know if only 2 weeks or take it longer. When I am finished with the shotgun method what would you suggest doing? Going back to the density/decompression? Maybe, something else all together. Another question for you. I am doing frequency decompression now. And let’s take the curls and triceps for 8-10 sets. How do you train that many sets? Do you start light and go heavy and then back to light? Because I find myself getting into the 5 th or 6 th set and then my strength starts to die off so I go down in weight only enough to keep my reps within the range suggested. I have your...