Asians and Introversion
I remember back in middle school and high school, whenever I had approach anxiety with girls, my friends ( especially the girls) would always give me the same advice: Be yourself. I don't know about you guys, but when you're a thirteen year old kid, probably one of the last things you know about is to be yourself. In my junior year of high school one of my final projects was to figure out a "career" for yourself. One of the requirements in that final was to take the MBTI test . I thought that this was such a great description of myself and as a really depressed Asian kid, I took to this like white on rice. I hear this is how cults recruit new members. I joined a now defunct forum for my specific personality type . I had a great time talking to like-minded people online and even met one of them in real life that I'm still friends with to this day. During that time, I honestly thought I was "figuring myself out". But after the the initial giddines...