Happy Father's Day, Dad! You're Going to be a Grandfather

So my wife and I took my parents out for Father' Day. Being from Louisville, Kentucky, my dad had a hankering for barbeque short ribs, so we took them to a Texas ribs place in the City. We decided Father's Day was the perfect time to let my parents know that my wife and I were expecting.

Yes, that's right. I'm going to be a dad! Some might say I'm a little late at 39 years old, but I think now is the perfect time. My wife and I have spent some good years just with ourselves, and now I think we're ready share in the joys and crazy heartaches of raising a kid.

My wife is a bit of a planning freak, which is good for me, because I'm winging half the things I do. On our kitchen calendar she wrote down a list of symptoms she gets to look forward to every week. Here are some of the highlights:

Week 8- Feeling tired and peeing a lot
Week 10- Will feel very hungry
Week 13- Maternity clothes shopping!!!
Week 15- Remember to do Kegel exercises
Week 19- Lots of weight gain!!! And feeling dizzy
Week 22- Back pain and varicose veins. Drink lots of water
Week 23- Baby squashing bladder. Also feeling very emotional
Week 26- Leg cramps and crazy dreams
Week 35- Be sure to walk a little after meals. Consider sandals as everyday shoes

Of course, my wife has been acting on her nesting instincts also. She took a knitting course through the University of YouTube and knitted a cap for the baby, modeled here by our cat, Newbur:

My wife was curious as to what our child might look like, given her coquettish beauty, and concerned, given my gigantic melon of a head. So thanks to the advanced mash-up technology of German engineers, here's a preview as to what our child will look like:

Believe it or not, somebody on Yelp thought this was a real picture and said, "Cute baby!"

Anyway, I'm looking forward to being a dad :)

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J said…
Thanks, B! As a father of 2, it goes without saying that you have a ton of life experience. I'll have to pick your brain some time on parenting :)

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