Punks Target Asians at Bus Stops

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MojoRider said…
These punks are pathetic. Seriously, assaulting elderly victims? These assholes need to be locked away for a very long time.
J said…
reminds me of another set of incidents: South Philly High

Gee, Asians being targeted for muggings and killed in the process? This is news to you people who live in La-La Land? How many times do we hear about Chinese restaurant delivery men getting mugged and killed in the process?

Like I said before another blog:

In SF, there are several bus lines where elderly Asian immigrants need to ride, and they are constantly being bullied and harassed by non-Asian passengers. People have gotten beaten up and mugged on the bus and the drivers have done jack. These punks feel like they have free rein to physically assault and verbally harass Asian riders, because many of them are elderly, immigrants and have limited English skills.

A lot of people seem to make snap judgements about Asians shedding about this sort of thing, but those critics don't live in these areas and ride the bus every day. They don't address the issues of safety and respect. How would you like it if your grandma was thrown on to a subway track?
MojoRider said…
What I've seen is that some of these punks are amoral. They are twisted human beings who have no sense of compassion, sympathy. Truly warped individuals who are really psychopaths.

And the idea that this isn't racially based? Preying upon immigrants with limited ability to communicate in English? When you look at the crime incidents, there's no pattern? C'mon! How many elderly black and white men and women are getting thrown onto the BART subway tracks?
Anonymous said…
please pay attention to the asian guy who spoke last (i believe). he said that everybody and anybody could be a target.

if you understand anything about poorer black urban communities, then you get that everybody is a potential target. everyone catches heat and nobody is exempt. nobody, including black males.

i mean, the leading cause of death for black males between 18 and 34 is homicide. they are dying at the hands of other black males. that should tell you all you need to know about the low regard for life among certain segments of this community.

so an elderly person, regardless of race, is just another target, just like everyone else. they are not playing favorites here. if they were, they wouldn't be ruthlessly killing each other.

think about it...

that guy in the video understands the community he's dealing with.
J said…
I understand Black on Black crime, but people don't want to address the pervasiveness of anti-Asian sentiment.

Getting killed is tragic no matter what your race or what the reasoning. But don't start downplaying racist motivations. We don't need more reasons to kill people, we should be identifying and eliminating them.

When Chris Rock refers to an unidentified dead Asian guy as Jackie Chan, don't you think that's dehumanizing? Dude's already dead, you don't need to piss on him as well.

Seeing elderly Asians as things to be beaten and thrown off subway platforms signifies to me that the perpetrators didn't view them as human. These punks may or may not have been targeting Asians, we don't know for sure. But when you put these incidents in a larger context (racism + poverty) instead of a myopic one (poverty), then the pervasiveness of anti-Asian sentiment becomes clear.
Anonymous said…
"According to statistics reported by the U.S. Department of Justice (1994), older African Americans are victimized at a rate twice that reported for White American seniors in several crime categories, including community and household crimes."


i would imagine that african american seniors are more likely than any group of seniors to be the victims of violence in light of this fact. sweetie, get in line.

i don't know whether they are attacked because they are asian, but in this case, unless they made a slur when they attacked them, you won't know. and, in light of the aforementioned stats (and study), i would imagine that there are people who are unimpressed with the notion that it is racially motivated. i mean, if anything, they are just as racist, if not more so, towards black seniors. i think the stats would prove me correct.

they are in the wrong place at the wrong time. perhaps being asian is just another "quality" that makes them a target - like being a woman or being short or old.

some asians get all indignant over this and try to act as though their community is impotent when things like this happen. but newsflash, the blacks who are there are impotent and are more likely to be catch hell.

i mean, what exactly do you want to be done? what are people supposed to say?

if they had influence over these guys, they'd be able to tell them to get their behinds in school and stop acting like fools.

and sorry, i don't get what chris rock has to do with this.
J said…
you can quote stats all you want. we've heard that argument of black on black crime since the early 90's.

But that's not really an argument, because the argument is essentially, "Well Blacks get victimized more, so quit whining about your grandma getting her teeth bashed in."

What kind of argument is that? There's no argument about Blacks getting the worst of it, anonymous dumbass.

That's what pisses me off is when we get the same tired argument that essentially downplays the severity of the crime and downplays the anti-Asian sentiment in poor urban neighborhoods (hence the Chris Rock quote).

Rampant crime in poor neighborhoods is a serious issue that rarely gets media attention. Poor blacks get the brunt of it. It needs to be addressed.

But the issue of anti-Asian sentiment that leads to heinous crimes, whether or not technically it is a hate crime? Like being thrown off a subway platform? That also needs to be addressed. Asians should be indignant about sh!t like that, because anonymous dumbasses like you want to downplay it.

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