Since I keep getting inquiries on my previous article Strength and Bodybuilding for the Asian Lifter , I thought I'd write up a follow-up: I’m a bit of a bodybuilding purist. I normally don’t write my exercise articles from the angle of “develop the muscles that drive her wild in bed!” Men’s Fitness, however, interviewed me one time for an article titled Sculpting Her Five Favorite Body Parts. The interviewer picked my brain on how to develop muscles so that a woman, as she put it, “couldn't keep her hands off you.” When it comes down to it, Asian men want the same thing everybody else wants when they exercise: to look good naked! Women don’t give a crap how much you bench, but they will notice the tone in your arms when you’re wearing a T-shirt. A lot of Asian guys feel that their Asian genes are somehow holding them back when it comes to gaining muscle. But guess what? Whether or not it is true that Asian men have a harder time gaining muscle, most women don’t ...
as far as internalizing stereotypes? i don't think i ever thought i was part of some stereotype. i've had experiences where people tried to peg me as such with ignorant shit like, "you're good at math, right? let mojo figure out the lunch tab and what everybody owes." sorry, that ain't me.
and in regard to career choices? hell, i didn't know what i wanted to do. in fact, i fell into my job, i didn't seek out a career in law enforcement.
Study looks at perception of Asian Americans in leadership roles