CYC Experience update

I got some stats for the event from my cousin Tom.

Attendance: 420
Raised over $25,000 for the Melanie Lee Easley Memorial Scholarship Fund

I didn't know this but Melanie was an intern for Tom's company.

I should also list some of the other notables in attendance at the premiere. Some key people at the affair:

- Dr. Wallace Loh, President of UMCP...first Chinese-American to head up this large a university
- Kevin Born - President of the Chinese Youth Club (CYC)
- George Wu - Executive Director of the Organization of Chinese Americans (OCA)
- Penny Lee - Filmmaker of The CYC Experience
- Ursula Liang - Filmmaker of the documentary 9Man (Chinese volleyball)
- Nicolette Yeh - President of the UMCP's Chinese Student Association

Some more photos of the event:

View of the attendees; that is me at the far right, not wearing my coat for some reason.

Film maker Penny Lee

Tom Fong and Penny with CYC Founder Art Ping Lee at the left

Penny Lee with Tom Fong


Anonymous said…
Great stuff going on at my alma mater!
MojoRider said…
My alma mater as well, noraebang! Thanks for stopping by and posting.

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