James Sun on Diversity and Globalization


Unknown said…
didnt watch the show but cant imagine a white CEO legend like trump on a white american tv show hiring the person who was in some ways overqualified who happened to be Asian.

james sun is a great rolemodel for asian males. hes successful in a white world he's thorough, hardworking and a diplomat but more distinctively than any other asian ceo or even asian celeb goes, he speaks out against racism, in a subtle, but clear way.

playing the white game and still maintaining his integrity is the best thing an asian male can do, as long as that amount of western media discrimination is still there.

seems of all the asians, koreans, chinese, japanese, etc for all their sellouts, who proliferate the media/celeb world, koreans do tend to balance it out with publicly vocalising their racial pride, which the other ethnic asian groups, tend not to as much. not perfect, but its a start.

J said…
Excellent points, Zeki. I watched that season and everybody was flabbergasted that James didn't win. After all, he was a leader, he won all his tasks, he was outspoken and not a behind the scenes person like Stefanie. Trump hates quiet people, so it was surprising to see Stefanie win.

At first, people thought it was racism, or that the season finale had the unfortunate timing of being after Virginia Tech. But James was overqualified, and working as Trump's bitch would have been a severe under-utilization of his skills and talents.

You bring up a good point about Koreans. A lot of the Asian Americans out there making an impact and are highly visible are Koreans: Yul Kwon, DDK, David Chang, John Cho, Tim Kang, Steve Yeun, David Choe, etc.

Other Asian groups have highly successful people making an impact on society, but they seem to be more behind scenes people. Chinese Americans have SF mayor Ed Lee and director Justin Lee. The only real Chinese American out there in the limelight is Jeremy Lin.

Why the difference between Korean Americans and Chinese Americans as far as limelight? There seems to be a difference in the way Chinese and Korean Americans deal with racism and assimilation: Chinese vs Koreans

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